Our route from Melbourne to Montecollina Bore |
With five
days available four of us decided to head for Lyndhurst and the Strzelecki
Track. Mel had been telling a Polish neighbour about our proposed trip and she
said it was actually not the Strzelecki track we were going on but that it was
correctly pronounced "Strel - etz - ki". The track was named after Count Paul Edmund de Strzelecki
Wild Flower. As it looks like a bit like a poppy I thought it was appropriate for today's post, 11th November 2015, one hundred years to the day when my Grandfather boarded a troop ship in Melbourne bound for "The Great War". |
there were five of us on the trip because Mel bought "Simone" along
as well. Simone is a Garmin GPS and she guided, or tried to guide us, to our
destination. All in all she did a very good job but she sometimes tried to take
us by a longer route than we wanted and on one or two occasions she was
obviously asking us to use roads that didn't really exist. For example, at one
point she suggested we take a dirt track through the Murray-Sunset National
Park. And at another point she was adamant that we should turn off and use a
dirt road that paralleled the highway and was probably the original road into
Ouyen. Her main use was when she agreed to go where we wanted to go and she
could tell us well in advance where we should turn and the name of the road.
Lyndhurst from the high point of the airport |
The reason
for the trip was to find Letter-winged Kites, a new bird for all of us, and to
make the most of the weekend we met at Joy's on Thursday evening and just on
midnight we climbed into her diesel Nissan Patrol with its 1000 km range and
headed north. It is just over 1400 km from Melbourne to Lyndhurst so with many
driver changes along the way we finally arrived at about 1600 on Friday. We had
booked cabins at the Lyndhurst Hotel so that we didn't have to worry about
camping gear and food cooking for such a short visit and the rooms were basic
but very comfortable. The people at the hotel, both customers and staff were
all really friendly and it added to the fun of the trip.
Zebra Finches at Montecollina Bore |
Budgerigars sleeping in the shade |
Seed head |
First thing
Saturday we headed north on what we had been told the night before was a really
rough track. It seems though that definitions vary between what road-train
drivers call rough and what 4x4 drivers call rough. Evidently the corrugations
were shaking the big trucks to bits and for some sections they were down to 10
- 20 kph. If we kept the speed over 60 kph the road was not too bad but the
ride up to Montecollina Bore where Letter-winged Kites had been reported still
took about 4 hours.
Simone at sunrise on the track |
Sunrise at a rest area on the track |
Road Train. As they are usually three trailers long and can throw up large stones it is wise to stop as they pass |
On Saturday
the temperature got up to 34º C plus and with the wind and extremely low
humidity getting out of the car to birdwatch was truly extreme birding. We made
many stops as birds dashed in front of us or were seen off in the gibber and
saltbush. These birds included Short-tailed Grasswrens, Cinnamon Quail-thrush
and White-winged Fairy-wrens along with very large numbers of Orange Chats.
Raptors were also present and we finished the weekend with 10 species. It seems
it has been a good breeding year for them as along the road we had nesting
Wedge-tailed Eagle, Brown Falcon, Kestrel and Black Kite.
Wedge-tailed Eagle family |
North of
the bore we searched the location mentioned in Dolby and Clark and eventually
had a brief sighting of a Letter-winged Kite as it circled with a Black Kite
before disappearing back into cover. We considered chasing it again but one of
our group was seriously effected by the heat and we decided it was wiser to
help her back to the car. After lots of cold drinks and the aircon turned way
up we slowly came back into a condition where we could drive and headed back to
It was in the trees on the far side of this sand hill that we found the Letter-winged Kite |
As we
headed south the skies darkened and we could see rain falling off to the
south-east. It came closer and closer and suddenly we were in the middle of one
of the heaviest downpours I have seen in years. The rain hitting the roof
sounded like hail and the visibility dropped so that we had to stop driving.
Amid lots of ooos and aaahhhs of amazement we did not have time to think that
we might get stuck, but the rain stopped as fast as it had started. It lasted
only 4 or 5 minutes but we and a truck that passed us while were stopped left
deep ruts in the roads.
The storm approached from the south-east .... |
and hit hard ... |
so we pulled over and stopped ... |
the rain created a weird effect which may have been steam rising from the hot gibber rocks or water bouncing back up as it hit. Anyway, very impressive. |
Sunday saw
us back up the track and we tried again to find the Letter-winged Kite but
without luck. The weather had changed with the rain and it was now cool with a
very strong wind and dust everywhere so we spent a lot of the time in the car.
We did find extra birds like Crimson Chat up toward Strzelecki Crossing and at
Montecolina Bore two of us found Eyrean Grasswrens, one group near the low
trees on the track in and another group about 10 metres to the south of the
bore inlet.
Dingo on the gibber plains |
Cinnamon Quail-thrush |
Flock Bronzewings at the edge of dam |
As we
headed south I wanted to check out one more stand of trees for Letter-winged
Kite. I left my camera in the car as I have found a sure-fire way of
interesting sightings is to be without a camera (smile). The others sat in the
car as I pushed into the wind to look for the kites. I found nests with
desiccated rabbit parts under them and huge flocks of Little Crows but no
kites. I did find one very special thing though and that was a grinding stone
in the middle of a sand blow-out. It had been beautifully made and fitted my
hand perfectly with a gripping ridge on one side for my fingers and a recess on
the other for my thumb. It was well used, ground smooth to an edge on the side
opposite the grip but not broken in any way. I held it for a while and felt a
respect for the owner and a pleasure in being able to hold such a special
implement. I then carefully returned it to the spot I had found it and walked
off while wondering who had used it last and how long had it been lying,
waiting for me to find it. I can close my eyes now and feel that stone. It was
very special.
View from the top of a sand dune at Montecollina Bore |
Landscape near Lyndhurst |
Wedge-tailed Eagle in the sunset |
On Sunday
night we met Andrew and Carolyn Furner, owners of Mt Lyndhurst Station, in the
bar of the Lyndhurst Hotel. We had a long talk and they gave us permission to
go in and look for Chestnut-breasted Whiteface at the wrecked car site, which
we did next morning. We only had limited time as we had to head for home but we
eventually found them to the north of the car. After that it was a case of
heading for home but on the way we decided on having one last look at the
airport where banded Whiteface had been reported. We didn't find the whiteface
but we did find one of the locals making a phone call. Evidently the only
reliable spot for reception is while standing on top of the very large tank
full of avgas.
Old mine building on Mt Lyndhurst Station |
White-winged Fairy-wren |
Wrecked Car on Mt Lyndhurst Station |
Chestnut-breasted Whiteface |
afternoon was basically a mad dash for Melbourne with, other than a night in
Morgan, only two serious stops. The first at Yarrara FFR for White-browed
Treecreeper and then at Hattah for Mallee Emu-wren, both ticks for two of our
Making a phone call from the airport terminal |
Landscape near Lyndhurst |
Crimson Chats |
Drinking at Montecollina Bore |
Searching for Eyrean Grasswrens at Montecollina Bore |
All images & text © Jenny Spry
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