One of Australia's iconic birds is the Black Grasswren. It
is not a particularly rare bird but its range is restricted to the remote Kimberley
area of northern Western Australia. There are two ways of getting to this bird;
one is a two or three day drive in by 4x4 over some of the worst roads/tracks
imaginable or to fly to Kununurra and join a group that is flying in to the
Mitchell plateau by light plane and then helicopter. I chose the fly-in option
because it is quicker, easier AND because I had never been in a helicopter
before. Not only could I tick off Black Grasswren but I could also tick off
helicopter ride.
The red dots are Melbourne at the bottom and going clockwise; Perth, Broome, Kununurra. The blue dot is the Mitchell Plateau |
Black Grasswren hiding amongst rocks and bushes |
So, the process was: wake in Melbourne at 0400, well out of
bed at 0400 but awake? Not really, but sort of operating, bathroom, dress,
check tickets, money and all the necessaries for birding … , yes, binoculars,
camera, note book, tickets … ok, into the car and off to the airport, check I
have ticket as we drive, OK, relax. Check tickets one more time. Arrive at
airport. This is the normal routine for me when going on a trip, until I am on
the plane I tend to stress and check my tickets quite a lot.
Finally we board the plane, on time, and fly Melbourne to
Perth, wait for an hour, fly to Broome and arrive 10 minutes late, the flight
to Kununurra is just boarding but Broome airport is small so in one door, turn
right, walk 3 metres to next door, check boarding pass and within 2 minutes I
am walking across the tarmac to my next flight. I finally arrive at Kununurra
at 1520 Western Australia time, 1720 Melbourne time, 12 hours of travel time.
Now I feel safe, I have arrived at the rendezvous place and I can hand myself
over to the tour leader.
Fruit Bat at dusk |
The flock flying over my cabin |
Brown Honeyeater |
The first day of the organised trip is boat ride on Lake
Argyle. One small problem is, I have been given the wrong start time so at 0430
Trisha is bagging on my door. Five minutes later I am dressed and in her car.
At the front gate of the camp ground a Toyota 12 seater bus is waiting and I
join 10 other birders, some of whom I know, and we are on our way. It is about
50 km to the lake and at first light there is not much moving, except for one
poor Willie Wagtail who, in the half-light of dawn, miss-judges his take off
and hits the windscreen.
Early morning from the boat on Lake Argyle |
The sightseeing boat is large with big motors that let us
cruise at 35 km, which is good because Lake Argyle is huge. Our first stop is
for breakfast on a grassy bank with a sea-eagle nest on one side and an Osprey
nest on the other, both with birds in attendance, and just beside the boat is a
small fresh water crocodile. They tell me that "freshies" only eat
fish but I am not about to go near to find out.
Breakfast beside Lake Argyle |
Freshwater Crocodile. We are told they only eat fish, not people. |
White-breasted Sea-Eagle on nest |
Eastern Osprey |
Just across the bay we stop again and a quick
"squeak" has White-browed Crake bouncing around everywhere. Brolga,
Pied Heron and egrets stalk the grass.
A black Dingo |
White-browed Crake |
On the water again and the next island has Sandstone
Shrike-thrush singing on it and we stop to admire and take photos. Many more
miles across the lake and we arrive at the Yellow Chat island. The plan is to
get out and wade through the water then walk until we find the chats. When we
arrive, however, Yellow Chats are dancing on the rocks beside the boat so we
sit and watch. A Swamp Harrier flies over and harasses the ducks.
Sandstone Shrike-thrush |
Rock Wallaby |
Black-necked Stork (Jabiru) |
We decide to motor around the island to look for waders and
we find … more chats, 30 +/-, and Wandering and Plumed Whistling-Duck.
Australian Pratincole are everywhere. Lake Argyle is spectacular for both the
birds and the scenery.
Yellow Chat |
Finally it is back across the lakes to where the
White-quilled Rock-Pigeons live, and they dance across the rock face and sit
and stare at us. From there it is back to the bus and a short drive to the
bottom of the spillway for a wonderful lunch prepared by Trisha. Yum.
White-quilled Rock Pigeon |
Back in the bus we bird our way back to the campground.
Grey-fronted Honeyeaters, Red-browed Pardalotes, Striated Pardalotes,
White-winged Triller, Little Friarbirds, Spinifex Pigeon and wood-swallows are
everywhere. A small flock of finches rise from a roadside pool. My heart jumps,
Gouldians? No, Long-tailed. Bother!
That night there is a "Beef and Barra"
(barramundi, a delicious local fish) dinner at the campground. It is a
fundraiser for the local air rescue organisation and it has all been cooked
perfectly. I am so tired that by 2000 I am in bed. The trees are full of fruit
bats and I can hear them chattering as I go to sleep.
Saturday, day two: I can’t sleep, my body is still on
Melbourne time so at 0430 it's out of bed and into the shower, dress, feed and
wash dishes. At 0600 it is time to head out for the day. A drive to Wyndham and
high expectations. The weather is perfect, clear skies, not much wind, low
Small lagoon on the way to Parry's Lagoon |
Shelduck, spoonbills and Glossy Ibis |
My hope is that I will see some Gouldian Finches today. They
have been a "boggy" bird for years. It has been a case of "they
are 80 km over there", or "if you just had one more day I could
guarantee ...", or "last week they were all over this lawn". I
have done my homework again for this trip and Gouldians are regularly seen
under lawn sprinklers in Wyndham, today will be my lucky day.
Adult Royal Spoonbill with young begging for food |
Glossy Ibis |
Actually the rest of the bus have seen Gouldians many times
on their trip and as a late joiner I have to accept that there are other
priorities today, still Gouldians are "always on the lawn in
Wyndham". First stop is in an area of long grass to look for button quail.
Out we get and form a line and start walking. A bird explodes to the left, a
Horsfield's Bushlark, nice but not what we are looking for. Four more Bushlarks
and then, a quail! I get a few photos as it flies past me and finally get it
identified as a Red-chested Button-quail. Nice.
Looking over the floodplain. Parry's Lagoon is to the right |
Down the dirt road and we arrive at Parry's Lagoon, a local
hot-spot for ducks and waders ... and Salt Water Crocodiles, and they are HUGE!
I thought that the freshies were big but these are HUGE, and they do rather
like to eat fresh person if they can get one. Later the pilot tells us on the
way to Mitchell plateau that the local graziers up here expect to lose one cow
a day to "salties".
Saltwater Crocodile taken with a long lens. These guys do like eating people |
Black Falcon |
Next stop is Wyndham for lunch at a small park near the
waterfront and mangroves. After lunch it is into the Mangrove to look for the
local specialities, Mangrove Golden Whistler, Mangrove Gerygone and
White-breasted Whistler. The first two are easy but the White-breasted takes
hours. The mud has a special consistency and it sticks to boots better than
glue, then it builds up with each step until finally you are walking on
platform sneakers.
Brahminy Kite over Wyndham |
It's late and we need to get back to Kununurra but some on
the bus have yet to see Northern Rosella and there is a chance to find them in
town. Good! Now I will get my Gouldians, but we are late so after a quick spin
through town where no one has a sprinkler turned on we are back on the road to
the campground. Bother! If only it hadn't taken so long to get the
White-breasted Whistler. My last chance is gone. Ah well, next trip.
A plane just like the one I am sitting in for the flight to Mitchell Plateau |
Sunday, day three and we are at the airport at 0500 to board
our small plane to the Mitchell Plateau. We are all weighed and allocated seats
accordingly. The heavies have to sit up front and the light weights down the
back. The rest of us are spread out around the middle. The flight is
spectacular. Once we pass Wyndham we fly for about an hour and there are no
roads or tracks anywhere. No one lives down there, there are rivers and hills
and cliffs, but no people. The first road we see is the road into the Mitchell
Northern Kimberly region from the air |
Mitchell Plateau in the foreground and the Timor Sea |
Merton Falls on the Mitchell Plateau. Black Grasswren live in this area |
We land on a gravel strip and the plane pulls up next to
three helicopters. We are divided into groups and I am put in the smallest
helicopter. Yes!! I get to tick of helicopter ride in a cute little blue one,
what could be better? The ride is only for about 10 minutes but what the heck,
I have done it and it was great fun, better than I thought.
The airport terminal building at Mitchell Plateau |
Re-fueling the plane from 44 gallons drums and a hand pump |
My first helicopter |
We get out of the helicopter and form up. It is about a 1 km
walk to where Black Grasswrens were seen last week. When we get to the spot we
meet two birders who are camping on the plateau. They have been looking for 2
days and have not seen a grasswren. This is not good news. I have flown from
one corner of Australia to the other for this bird, about as far as it is
possible to travel without falling off the edge! Am I going to miss out? We
spend about an hour walking and listening but no grasswren. Aaaarg! We are only
here for a few hours, we have to find one. The tour leader, Phil, takes us back
to the start of the trail and then marches us off the trail into chest high
grass. He seems to know where he is going so we all follow along, past the
point where if we lose the group we are lost. No one wanders away. Phil
suddenly stops, looks at some rocks, plays a call, and a Black Grasswren
replies. Yes. Saved. But where is it? We can hear it but the grass is chest
high and the bird is about 50 mm high. Phil has the most unbelievable eyesight
and suddenly calls "there, on that rock". We turn and sure enough
there is movement. Binoculars come up and we have brief but satisfying glimpses
of two Black Grasswrens.
Partridge Pigeon |
Kimberley Honeyeater |
Female Red-backed Fairy-wren |
White-Napes Honeyeater. The breast is normally white but this one is dirty from the nectar of flowers |
One last needed bird is the Kimberley Honeyeater, another
bird only found in this area. More walking through chest high grass and then
out onto a rock platform. Well, actually, more like a series of flat topped
pillars of rock separated by cracks that are up to 6 metres deep. They are only
about one metre wide so they are easy to navigate unless, like me, your shoe
gets caught in grass as you jump that metre and come crashing down. Luckily the
only damage was a graze to one lip but if I had hurt a leg or been knocked out
the only way to get out would have been to be winched into a helicopter. The
birding Goddesses were looking after me. We found the honeyeater and I didn't
even have a bruise.
We got a second helicopter flight back to the plane and then
the flight home landed us in Kununurra at about 1630.
Landing at Kununurra with the Ord River in the foreground and irrigated fruit trees in the background |
Now that we were out of the plane our mobile phones came
back to life and I got the news that my flight out the next day had been
delayed. The flight time of 1230 was cancelled and the new time was 1730.
Normally this would have me panicking and gnashing my teeth but this time I was
dancing with joy. I knew of one more place to try for Gouldians and now I had
time to look for them.
Next morning Phil dropped me at the airport at 0800 and I
picked up a hire car, back to the cabin, loaded my gear and drove back to the
access road to Lake Argyle. Having done my homework before I left Melbourne I
knew Gouldians had been seen on this road for about the first 2 km from the
intersection with the highway. I had water and muesli bars for food and I drove
up and down the road looking and walking. At one spot I got out and two
"quail" flushed from my feet and flew off fast and low, as they do. I
swung the camera and got a few shots off and looked, I had one reasonable shot.
One button-quail but no finches, of any sort!
Flight shot of a Chestnut-back Button-quail. Not the best photo but there are very few know flight shots of this species. |
After more driving and walking I decided it was time for
lunch so I pulled to the side and parked under a tree for shade. As I munched
on a muesli bar I became resigned that once again I was running out of time to
find a Gouldian. Ah well, I thought, next year! Then the strangest thing
happened. Out of the tree above me a little bird helicopter-fluttered down, saw
the car bonnet, tipped and fluttered again, just missing it, and ended up in
the dirt beside the car. Fledgling I thought, on its first flight, how cute is
that. There must be a nest above me. The bird landed in the dirt beside the
driver's door and I looked down onto ... a finch! And not just any finch but a
GOULDIAN FINCH. Yes!! The birding Goddesses had blessed me. They had delayed my
flight and given me a Gouldian Finch. Now the trip was a total success.
Juvenile Gouldian Finch on the road beside my car |
Female Gouldian Finch and juvenile |
Female and four of her five chicks |
The little bird flew up and four more joined it and then
they all dropped into the long grass. A few moments later they all flew up into
a tree and a female started feeding them. I looked around and there was a tree
about 10 metres away with a couple of possible nesting hollows. I think this
little group were on one of their first outings. The trip was now a total
success; I had been birding with some wonderful people, seen three birds I
really wanted, seen lots of other magic sights in the Kimberley and had had a
helicopter flight. I was one happy birder.
Habitat shot of where I found the Gouldian Finches and Chestnut-backed Button-quail |
Back at the airport I returned the car, checked in and
waited to board the flight to Darwin. Without doubt this was one of my best
trips ever. Oh, and if you want a very special way to find special birds
contact Phil and Trisha Maher and sign up, it is worth every penny.
After the Kununurra and Kimberley Plateau trip I had a day in Darwin to chase Chestnut-quilled Rock Pigeon, and I dipped so will need to go back. I borrowed a car from my friend Biggles and drove out to Kakadu. The scenery was spectacular but the birds were few and far between. Next time I will allow a few days and do the job properly. After all, this was only the second time I have tried for them; it took me at least five attempts to get the Gouldian Finches (smile).
The Rock Pigeons are meant to be seen in the cracks and crevices of these rock faces, but not on the day I was there. The spire on the top right of the rocks is an ants nest. |
Ants nest |
All text & images © Jenny Spry