In Victoria the Labour Day long weekend in March is the
accepted end of the summer holiday period. People pack their cars and caravans
and head for the coast for one final fling in the surf and lakes, and this year
we joined in and headed for the Cape Conran National Park, a large coastal park
in East Gippsland. For many years now we have done this trip on a long weekend
in January but this year in January the Princes Highway was closed by
Cape Conran area. Yeerung River is the small river to the right of the cape. |
As usual we booked into the Countryman Motel in Orbost from
where we have easy access to many great birding places, as well as a selection
of cafes and hotels for food. We have been doing this trip for so long now we
don't even have to do much planning, we now know where the best birding spots
are and what time of day we should be there.
Early morning over the Snowy River plains, south of Orbost |
Morning mist over the Orbost sale yards |
This year was a bit different though, a Beach Stone-curlew
had been seen at Marlo, near the mouth of the Snowy River. This is a notable
bird in Vic because they normally don't come south of the north coast of New
South Wales. There are a few historic reports of birds on the NSW south coast
and even a few on the coast of far-east Vic. However, for some reason known only to Beach
Stone-curlews this year there are two in Vic; one on Cape Otway to the
south-west of Melbourne and the one at Marlo, south of Orbost. They are a very
striking bird and I have heard them described as something Walt Disney could
have designed.
Beach Stone-curlew. When we first saw it it was sitting behind the log |
A friend in Marlo had given us good directions so as soon as
we arrived on Saturday it was "off to the beach", not with
bathers and towels but with binoculars and cameras. I am not fond of the beach because
beaches have too much sand and it gets in your bathers, and it sticks to your
feet and makes walking uncomfortable. This was an important bird though and I
had to make an exception, so I ignored the sand in my shoes as we crossed the
beach and willingly waded out into the calf-deep water to cross the lagoon to
where the stone-curlew had been seen. It was not easy to find because, despite
being a large bird, it liked to rest in the tangle of driftwood and until one
got quite close it just sat hidden. We did find it and I quickly forgot the
discomfort of wet, sandy feet.
Beach Stone-curlew |
Mouth of the Snowy River |
Once the stone-curlew was safely ticked off we settled into
our normal routine. The East Cape boat launching ramp is the place to go for Pilotbirds.
All you have to do is walk around the carpark and they dance all over your
toes (if you are lucky, smile). It is also good for Eastern Whipbirds and sea birds. Get there early
though because the car park fills quickly with cars and boat trailers and
Pilotbird displaying |
Pilotbird displaying |
Pilotbird in full song |
A bit further up the road is the Yeerung River and the
little bridge that crosses it. Here we know we can always find Southern
Emu-wrens and Beautiful Firetails. Just over the bridge is a track that follows
the river down to the ocean and it is a good walk for Crescent Honeyeaters,
Bassian Thrush and "little brown birds".
Beautiful Firetail |
This year we came around a corner and found a Tree Goanna (Varanus varius) sunning against a tree
trunk. They are also called Lace Monitors which I think is a much nicer name
but then lace is a delicate fabric and these guys are certainly not delicate. We
often see them on this track but this one was a monster! By doing a bit of
rough measuring and estimating this particular monitor, from the tip of its
very big nose to the tip of its tail was over 2 metres (6 foot 6 inches) long. Yep, its the size of a small tree, so maybe Tree Goanna is right after all.
Tree Goanna on a dead banksia trunk |
Portrait |
Heathland at Yeerung River where Beautiful Firetails and Southern Emu-wrens can be found |
On the banks of the Snowy River back up in Orbost we found a
smaller, but still large, Eastern Water Dragon (Intellagama lesueurii). The field guide says they grow to 25 cm (10
inches) not counting the tail but one we saw looked much longer than that,
maybe just because the tail is so long and thick.
Young Eastern Water Dragon |
Adult Eastern Water Dragon |
Another favourite spot is the Cabbage Tree Palms Reserve,
just north of Cape Conran. It is not large but it is a relatively undisturbed
area of coastal rain forest with a creek running through it. Platypus live in
the creek and Azure Kingfishers are sometimes seen on the overhanging branches.
I find these diminutive birds a very pleasurable challenge because they can be
very hard to see, despite their bright colouring, and will usually flash away
as soon as I get my binoculars on them. We actually found them at three spots
this trip, once in a pond where the Marlo Rd goes under the highway, once on
the Yeerung River and once at Cabbage Tree Palms Reserve.
Azure Kingfisher at Cabbage Tree Palms reserve |
Azure Kingfisher. On of the smallest Kingfishers at 16 - 19 cm |
The other end of the Kingfisher scale. Laughing Kookaburra at 40 - 48 cm |
Lyrebirds are a regular at the reserve as well as
Large-billed Scrub-wrens, Brown Gerygone, Rufous Fantails, Eastern Whipbird
and so many more. The mosquitoes, bush-ticks and leeches also love his area so
if you are tempted to squat or lie down for a better look at a bird do make
sure you check yourself over for unwanted passengers. The leeches make
themselves known fairly quickly, and sometimes messily, but the ticks can be
smaller than a pin head so make sure you check carefully as you put your
pyjamas on. This is a good spot for lunch in summer as you can get some shade
and the sun penetrates through the rain forest and makes the smaller birds
easier to see. There are no toilets but the tables in the clearing are a great
spot to sit and look for birds in the tree tops, like Topknot Pigeons and King
Male Superb Lyrebirds crossing the path at Cabbage Tree Palms Reserve |
The lighting was not good but this shows the length of the tail and the two feathers that make the outer edge of the lyre when in display. The bird in the foreground has them crossed, perhaps to protest them as he moves through thick under-growth. |
Large-billed Scrub-wren |
The Cape Conran area is also a wonderful place for night
birds and White-throated Nightjar can sometimes be found along the Cape Conran
Rd., but not on this trip unfortunately. By driving the Conran to Cabbage Tree
Rd, the Old Coast Road and the Cabbage Tree Road while looking for eye-shine we
did, however, find three species of forest loving owls; Sooty, Powerful and
Male Gang Gang Cockatoo |
Female Gang Gang Cockatoo |
After 3 days of birding I found 102 species, all within this
one reasonably small area.
Reflections in the Yeerung River |
Echidna crossing the road at East Cape |
A side note to the weekend was the bushfires that started
north of the Princes Highway in mid January. Fires are not uncommon in this
area but this year's fires are bigger and in more inaccessible areas than
normal and, after more than 2 months, they are still burning in some of the out
of the way valleys east of the snowy river. They are not getting coverage in
the Melbourne press anymore, possibly because "no lives or property are at
risk", but the damage to wildlife and forests will be devastating. More
than 170,000 hectares (420,000 acres) of forest have been burnt out and the
largest area of burnt forest has a perimeter of over 840 kms.
Map showing areas burnt out in the 2014 fires |
Volunteer firefighter's Base Camp at Newmerella on the Princes Highway, just west of Orbost |
Tent accommodation at the Base Camp for the firefighters |
Smoke haze hanging over Orbost and the hills of the Great Dividing Range |
Young Australasian Darters at the nest, Orbost. The photo was taken in the morning and by the afternoon they had left the nest. |
Male Australasian Darter |
Gang Gang Cockatoos |
Male Mistletoebird |
White-throated Needletail over Cape Conran |
Pair of White-throated Needletail in courtship flight. |
Pied Oyster-catchers. As they flew over the shallow water small fish were jumping in fear at the passing shadows on the water. |
Fire damaged eucalypts regenerate by growing leaves and small branches from the trunk and main limbs. This and the next photo show regeneration of growth from fires in January 2011. |
Fire damaged trees. |
All images & text © Jenny Spry