When I looked at my birding records I saw that the last
Birds Australia Port Fairy pelagic that I had been on was in March 2007. That
was more than 6 years ago. Quelle horreur!! The situation had to be remedied.
Of course here was that one spectacular trip out of Port
Fairy, organised by Neil Macumber, to see the Great Shearwater when it was in town in 2011 but apart from
that I had not been on a Victorian trip for far too long. The situation
rectified itself when the weather was pronounced "good" and the 5th of May BirdLife Portland trip went ahead.
is not close to Melbourne, it is about a five hour drive for me so it was good
to have Scott on board for the ride. We unloaded our bags at the motel and
headed for dinner. For me the pre-trip dinner is an important part of the
pelagic because it is a chance to sit down with fellow birders, some of whom I
may not have seen for a year or more and catch up over a good pub meal and a
Sunday morning was overcast when we arrived at the boat but
the strong winds of the past week had dropped off and we had about 10 knots out
of the south east. This meant that, while the swells were still enormous, there were
no serious waves. So, even though we went up and down a lot the ride was not wet or uncomfortable. As this was my first trip out of Portland I was glad to see
that we travelled close to the Australasian Gannet rookery on Lawrence Rocks on the way out, and closer still on
the way back.
Lawrence Rocks off Portland is an important Australasian Gannet rookery |
The ride out to the shelf takes a couple of hours and on
this trip the birds were few and far between. A White-fronted Tern went past as
did a few Fluttering Shearwater and the occasional distant Australasian Gannet.
Even when we got to the shelf it remained quiet for some
time. We bobbed around on the swell as we waited for some birds and berly was cast behind the boat. It took about
ten minutes, maybe more, but come they did. First on the scene were some of the
smaller albatross, mollymawks, and we soon had a nice following of Black-browed
and Shy Albatross. Fairy Prions joined them and then the storm petrels arrived;
Wilson’s, Grey-backed and White-faced. It was turning into an excellent trip.
Fairy Prion |
Campbell's Albatross with the pale eye in the background and Black-browed Albatross with a dark eye in the foreground used to be subspecies of Black-browed but have been split by the IOC |
Grey-backed Storm-petrel with very worn plumage |
A surprise for me happened when the lid on one of the big
iceboxes was opened and a huge tray of sandwiches appeared. This was a pelagic
first for me and the swarm of hands over the platter was as thick as the swarm
of feeding gannets diving on prey. I was going to take a photo of this event but as I
had one hand on my binos and the other on an egg and lettuce sandwich the photo
never happened. I did, however, get a photo of the lunchtime biscuit platter
before they all disappeared but as you can see the on-board gannets had cleared
the salad platter before I could get to the camera. The second large icebox was full of soft drinks and bottled water, and tea and coffee was available whenever wanted. Such luxury.
Shy Albatross chasing food with water sheeting of its wings |
Juvenile Shy Albatross with its dark collar and grey, black-tipped bill |
The empty salad plate and dwindling biscuit plate with Glen showing how many Sooty Albatross we have seen, or was it the number of biscuits she has eaten? |
The first large albatross, a Northern Royal, arrived at this stop and
when they appear I know I am on a pelagic. They are just so beautiful as they glide in on their two metre wingspan. By the
time the trip was over we had seen four large albatross, two Northern Royal and two
Juvenile all brown Wandering Albatross |
Sub-adult plumage of Wandering Albatross |
Northern Royal Albatross with its all black upper wing |
The second stop was the spectacular stop of the trip. As we
threw the berly over a Sooty Albatross approached the boat and landed.
Spectacular. The Sooty is an uncommon sight off Victoria so everyone was
thrilled and many people onboard ticked of a new species.
Sooty Albatross |
Sooty Albatross |
It was then that things started to get ridiculous. This
uncommon bird was joined by a second, and we had 2 Sooty Albatross sitting
beside us, and then a third bird arrived. Never before have I seen three Sooty
Albatross together. What a trip.
When a Sooty Albatross comes in everyone wants a photo ...... |
but where do you look when a second one arrives? |
To maintain the quality of the day the call went out that
there was a “different looking” prion behind the boat. We all then got good
looks as the bird joined the feeding birds. Antarctic Prion? Salvin’s Prion? No
one was sure but as it turned out after consulting various people and sending
photos around it was agreed that it was an Antarctic Prion. Another tick for
many on board.
Antarctic Prion |
Antarctic Prion |
And birds aren’t the only interesting natural events. We had
a Man-of-War jellyfish at one stop, the first I have been able to inspect
closely. Normally I keep well away from such stinging beasts but this time, by
leaning over the side I could see the beautiful fluorescent colours and
delicate sail. There was also a small pod of dolphins just as we got back to
Lawrence Rocks, and on the rocks, Fur Seals and Sea Lions. Sadly the photos are
not as good as I had wanted because my good 100 – 400 L lens was in hospital
having an image stabiliser transplant and I had to use my older, basic 70 – 300 lens.
Portugese Man-of-war showing its fluorescent spots and tail. A mist of stinging tendrils up to 10 metres long hangs below this small, innocuous looking bladder. |
Common Dolphin |
When I finally got my list worked out and
photos checked I had seen 24 species for the day, including the inshore species
such as Black-faced Cormorant, Pacific Gull, Silver Gull and Australasian
Gannet. Bird-wise, the surprise for me was that we had not seen many petrels,
other than a Southern Giant Petrel and a few Great-winged Petrels, but hey,
with Antarctic Prion and Sooty Albatross on the list, who could complain?
The terns and Silver Gulls line up on the water's edge while the cormorants, seals, and Sea Lions rest further up. The top shelf of Lawrence Rocks is reserved for the gannets. |
All images and text © Jenny Spry